Dear Craig Community,
I am very happy to announce that we have four finalists scheduled to visit our campus during the next three weeks. Each finalist will spend two full days
on campus with a robust schedule of meetings. I will distribute each candidate's background information shortly before each visit. Carney Sandoe, our search consultant, will distribute an online survey so that the entire Craig Community can provide feedback.
There will be a separate survey for each candidate. Teacher meetings are scheduled during the school day at times that have the least possible disruption to academic schedules. Parent meetings are scheduled on the 2nd day of each visit. There will be separate
in-person parent meetings for the lower/middle school and high school. In addition, there will be an online parent meeting for those whose schedule does not permit a campus visit.
I strongly encourage everyone to participate in the campus visits and provide feedback through the survey process. Please keep in mind the job description
that Carney Sandoe prepared based on input from the entire community. This document is available on the school website and it was emailed to you last week. We are evaluating candidates in the context of this key document.
Our finalists are accomplished educators who devoted their careers to helping children. It is my sincere hope that the entire Craig Community demonstrates
our school spirit towards the candidates. Let us welcome them to campus and show our Badger spirit! Regardless of the search outcome, these distinguished finalists are working towards the same goals as Craig in the wider community of independent schools serving
students with learning differences.
I will be in-touch with further information next week.
Thank you,
Peter Maciejewski, Chair of the Head of School Search Committee
Thursday/Friday - January 19/20
Monday/Tuesday - January 23/24
Thursday/Friday - January 26/27
Tuesday/Wednesday- January 31 / February 1
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