Craig School Emergency Contact System:
The Craig School uses a multi-tiered communication system that provides to our families, the highest level of certainty that you are made aware of any change in the opening or closing status of Craig Lower Middle School and Craig High. Our various communication tiers include:
Please be mindful of our Mountain Lakes neighbors. All vehicles entering campus for morning drop off or afternoon pick up must use Martin Lane to access Laurel Hill Road. In addition, as good neighbors, please do not block driveways while you wait in the car lane. Drop off: Please schedule student arrival no earlier than 8:00 am. Classes begin at 8:20 am. Pick Up: Any change to dismissal should be reported using This account ensures that even if school personnel are absent, the message is received in a timely manner.
The Mountain Lakes Police Department recommends the following procedures Morning drop-off and Afternoon pick-up
Please note: We understand that some children want to share a “birthday treat” with their classmates on their special day. If you are planning to have your child bring food items into school for sharing please abide by the following:
All absences and late arrivals should be reported to our main office. Please send an email to or call our Main Number, 973-334-1234 x 100, before 7:30 a.m.
SCHOOL SPIRIT FRIDAYS Students, join your teachers each Friday as we celebrate being part of this great Badger community by wearing Badger gear, or any red or black clothing. Go Badger Nation!
Lost and found items are located on the table in the Wilson Building by the Front Desk. Please stop by and check to see if your child is missing anything. Items in our lost and found include water bottles, jackets, sweaters, swim gear, and more. Please make sure all student items are labeled with their first and last name. Please email Gabriella, to verify if your student’s item is in the lost and found. Items left unclaimed will be donated to charity.
For more information on ways of giving or to make a donation online you can clicking here.