Craig School New Jersey

LS/MS Week of April 22nd




Friday, April 19th 

Craig School Drive-In (CHS Montville, Lots Open at 6PM, movie at 7PM)


Monday, April 22nd 

No Badger Homework Support: Passover begins at sundown


Tuesday, April 23rd

After School Basketball Clinic and After School Art


Wednesday, April 24th

Badger Homework Support


Thursday, April 25th

After School Basketball Clinic and Badger Homework Support


Monday, April 29th

Peer Leadership Monthly Buddy Program


Tuesday, April 30th

After School Art



Wednesday, May 1st

Badger Homework Support


Thursday, May 2nd

Badger Homework Support


Saturday, May 4th 

Craig School Faculty and Staff Appreciation Community Celebration (Montville Campus, 6:30PM-9:30PM) 


Monday-Friday, May 6th-10th

Teacher Appreciation Week


Tuesday, May 7th

After School Art


Thursday, May 8th

Peer Leadership Plant Sale Delivery


Friday, May 10th

7th and 8th Grade Dance (7:00PM-9:00PM)


Monday, May 13th

Badger Homework Support


Tuesday, May 14th

After School Art


Wednesday, May 15th 

Badger Homework Support


Thursday, May 16th

Badger Homework Support


Friday, May 17th

Noon dismissal: Faculty Forum


Monday, May 20th

Peer Leadership Buddy Program


Tuesday, May 21st 

Dodgeball Teacher Feature (3:00-5:00PM)


Thursday, May 23rd 

Red Nose Day during school


Monday, May 27th 

School Closed: Memorial Day


Thursday, May 30th

Curriculum Expo and Talent Show (6:00PM-8:00PM)


Friday, May 31st

Spirit Day: Anything But a Backpack

Girls Sleep Under Teacher Feature (3:00-10:00PM)



Leadership Council:

We have numerous committees working simultaneously on a variety of events. 

Buddy Program - Apri 29 next meeting date during mentoring our leaders join with 2-4 graders to work on a special project. 

Teacher Appreciation Week - May 6-10th. This committee is developing new ways to show our teachers how much we appreciate them. 

7th Annual Plant Sale - May 8 plants will be delivered. Order forms will be available next week. 8th-grade parents be on the lookout for the 8th-grade spotlight plant. This was something new we did in connection with the dance. It was a huge success so we are repeating it this year. Proceeds from the sale will go towards our Craig Community Day on June 12. 

8th grade spotlight plants- 

Last year thanks to Beth DiBello we began a new tradition for the dance. 8th-grade families can purchase a “spotlight plant”.   The spotlight plants line the entrance to our dance and have signs that we print from your order form. It is a wonderful way to begin the dance, reading the spotlight signs. Last year we had 100% participation. If you would like to participate click on the link below, locate your child, then complete the form. Send your $25  check made out to The Craig School or cash for the spotlight plant. Please mark it attention, Laura Given. If you have any questions email,

 8th Grade Plant Spotlight

7th/8th Grade School DanceMay 10 Thank you to the parents who stepped up to Chair and help with the spotlight plants. Another shout-out to Ms. Kutcher who when asked to help with decorations never hesitated and said YES!  It will be another incredible night. The theme is a Night at the Grammy’s so all types of dress apply. You can dress up as much as you want or dress as your favorite grunge rocker. Invites were sent this week so look at VIP folders.  We will need help decorating the during the morning of the 10th  and gathering some supplies so be on the lookout for a Sign-Up Genius. 

Friday, May 10 from 7-9 at The Craig School. will be a night to remember! 

Buddy Program - May 20 Last day of this year-long program. We will have a fun outdoor event to commemorate friendships made and our good times throughout the year. 

Red Nose Day-   May 23 This newly formed committee will begin meeting next week. Our focus is finding a non-profit we want to support, and then building lessons and a meaningful day of learning. The day ends with a student-run carnival. 

Anything But a Backpack - Spirit Day - May 31 - This is our last spirit day of the year. The committee ran this spirit day the previous year and it is back by popular demand. Stay tuned for the rules of engagement!

Community Day - June 12 We partnered last year with PACS to develop this day. It was a huge success. The plans for this year are still in their infancy. Stay tuned as we continue to plan. 

Our peer leaders continue to push into classes and work once a week successfully with their classes, This was the largest peer support group we ever had. I had more leaders who wanted to participate but unfortunately, their schedules simply didn't align with the classes requesting their services. 


Giving at Craig

For more information on ways of giving or to make a donation online you can clicking here.


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The Craig School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate based on race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

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