Last year, The Craig School created an outdoor space that would provide an opportunity for students to have an authentic learning experience! A beautiful sensory garden was built with planting beds filled with colorful perennials and annuals, shady trees, vegetables, and herbs, all surrounded by a border of evergreens. In the center of it all is a waterfall, complete with a stone wall for viewing as well as 8 comfortable Adirondack chairs for sitting and reading.
To complement the garden, the faculty created the Read Write Roots Curriculum, an interdisciplinary program for all students to experience subject goals as they relate to the garden. To create a connection between hands-on learning and our existing goals and objectives, we have created a curriculum that allows our students to move around in nature while continuing to meet goals in reading, writing, math, social studies, and science. The curriculum provides suggested activities for each subject area and each grade level. The garden is a tranquil space for learning and exploration.
Our Lower School students have spent many years growing vegetables from seeds for our garden to teach the concept of sustainability in Social Studies and Gardening Club. Students will now plant seeds and watch them grow all winter in their science classes as well with their new grow houses and hydroponic gardens. We will be surrounded by nature’s beauty all year long.
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